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- John Kennedy has some things to say about Bulletin Boards
- and the dreaded Information Superhypeway...
- Something has been worrying me recently. Something about
- comms and modems and all that stuff. It was hard to pin
- down, but eventually I got it: Bulletin Boards are boring.
- There, I said it, and now that it is out in the open I feel
- much better.
- Before you rush to the end of this rant to find my e-mail
- address and toast me with a flame, please hear me out and
- let me clarify that statement. I don't mean that I think
- that Bulletin Boards are dull and tedious by definition, and
- used by dull and tedious people with a tenuous grasp of true
- social interaction and an unhealty fascinatio of Deep Space
- Nine. Far from it, my local board has given me great deal of
- enjoyment thanks to the FidoNet system. FidoNet allows me to
- meet and chat with other comms enthusiasts from all over the
- county, and sometimes further afield. Very few of them are
- dull, tedious or socially inadequate -- no more than you
- would find amongst non-comms enthusiasts anyway.
- Bulletin Boards are boring because they are all based on
- very old technology. Extremely old technology -- even older
- than the first IBM-PCs, the XT. The first boards were
- awesomely slow, text-only systems, on which users had to
- register, then log in, then pick options from on- screen
- menus by selecting the right keypressed. Once onto the
- system, they could look through message and file areas,
- struggle with options and maybe get to download stuff.
- And what has changed since those first boards? Practially
- nothing. I recently watched an inteligent computer literate
- adult use a BBS for the first time. It was a board on which
- the SysOp had obviously spent a great deal of time trying to
- make accessable to new users, but my friend was completely
- stuck within minutes.
- This, in a nutshell, is the problem. Comms is too damn
- difficult.
- It's a crazy situation. Look at the Mosaic browser for the World
- Wide Web system on the Internet. It's absolutely brilliant
- -- click here, click there, colour graphics, sound,
- animation. It's the way comms should be: not some archiac
- system of ANSI character sets and 80 by 25 column screens.
- The World Wide Web works because the pages of information
- which make up the text and pictures you see are all based on
- special embedded codes called HTML. It's a brilliantly
- simply system: you just used codes like <i>this</i> to make
- changes to the text style. You want a picture? Easy, add
- somthing like this <img scr="picture.gif>.
- This is all possible thanks to something called
- "Client/Server" systems. The client program runs on your
- computer, the server runs on the remote system. Rather than
- simply display text sent from the server system, the client
- acts intelligently and can display graphics or sounds, or
- move icons and windows about. For example, the server might
- transmit the code "<b>" and instead of displaying the letter
- "B" the client executes a routine that changes the font
- into bold style.
- The client/server system takes advantage of the facilities
- of the user's computer system. Think about it: the majority
- of us have a computer with a 68020 processor or better, four
- channel sound and 640 by 256 (or 512) graphics in 256
- different colours from a 16 million palette. Why do we put
- up with simple text in sixteen shades (which don't even work
- half the time)?
- Recently I've been working on a system called Balloo which
- tries to take the HTML standard and hammers it into a form
- that Bulletin Boards can use. The problem is not with the
- BBS Host Software, but with a suitable client. To this end
- I've been coding a new form of comms terminal for the Amiga.
- It looks like anyother, except when text from the BBS host
- arrives in HTML format, it is rendered properly. This
- includes graphics and buttons which the user can click on:
- clicking on a button simply returns a key-press, so the host
- system doesn't have to do anything clever. The only changes
- the SysOp has to make is to include an HTML option for the
- menu screens he has on-line.
- There are problems to overcome of course. The Internet was
- originally designed on the principle that connection was
- never a problem: machines were on-line permanently. If you
- have ever seen a really fast internet link running a program
- such as Msaic, you'll know what a really smart tool it is,
- and how trying to use it with a 14,400 or 28,800 modem link
- is really a bit of a joke. Mosaic, and most Usenet news
- readers and email systems, are all geared for on-line use:
- there is no off-line option for the reason that the
- originators were always on-line 100% of the time. Besides,
- the World Wide Web works because /all/ the other systems are
- on-line and there is so much information to choose from that
- trying to make an off-line system is ludicrous.
- Unfortunatly in the UK the majority of modem users know that
- every second they spend on-line costs them money: and as my
- telephone bills will testify, it's not particularly cheap if
- you have to use it a lot.
- What we need are new tools, specifically tailored to the
- needs of the home computer user. Mosaic isn't enough, and a
- normal BBS is too limited and down right difficult to use.
- So we have to capitalise on the facilities we do have. The
- latest modems, the V34 28,800 modems are far from ISDN
- links, but they are probably as fast as we can expect to get
- down a telephone line and they are getting cheaper. So is
- off-line storage -- the other day I got a SCSI2 1 Gigabyte
- drive for less than I spent on a drive of only a third of
- that capicity a year ago.
- We've got fast processors, and great graphics. In theory we
- have a terrific platform on which to run a stunning client
- system. What can we do about it?
- The Balloo project is a start. I know there are system such
- as RIP out there, but I feel they are probably no the
- direction we should be moving in. If you think you would
- like to help, or have any comments please get in touch with
- me either by snail-mail through the magazine or via
- electronic mail (email: j_kennedy@delphi.com, Fidonet:
- 2:443/13.4)